The Effects of Online Behavioral Parenting Interventions on Child Outcomes, Parenting Ability and Parent Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

The Effects of Online Behavioral Parenting Interventions on Child Outcomes, Parenting Ability and Parent Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

McAloon, J. Armstrong, S. M.
Clinical Child & Family Psychology Review
The twenty-first century has seen the development and delivery of online programs of behavioral family intervention for disruptive child behavior. Typically, programs evaluate outcomes in terms of change in child functioning and change in parenting ability. Existing research has also articulated the importance of parent-child relational capacity and its role in facilitating change in child functioning, and the importance of parent emotion regulation in the interests of ensuring optimal child development. These factors were explored in a meta-analysis of k = 14 prospective longitudinal research studies of online parenting interventions for disruptive child behavior. Peer reviewed randomized controlled trials with inactive control groups that were published in English between 2000 and 2022 were included in the review if they were delivered online; offered parent self-directed treatment; included as participants families who were screened as having child behavioral difficulties on validated psychometric assessment measures; and assessed child treatment outcomes, parenting ability and parent treatment outcomes. The protocol for this study was pre-registered with PROSPERO (CRD42020215947). Statistical analyses employed random effects models and reported pooled effect sizes (Hedge's g) within and between groups. Results emphasize the importance of child outcomes and parenting ability in program assessment, however, suggest that parents' capacity to develop optimal parent-child relationships and regulate emotion may not be sufficiently reflected in program content. Identified continuous and categorical moderators of treatment outcome were also assessed. Results of the review are discussed in terms of their potential to influence the future development of online programs of behavioral family intervention and, therefore, child development.

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