Effects of risperidone in autistic children and young adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Effects of risperidone in autistic children and young adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Mano-Sousa, B. J. Pedrosa, A. M. Alves, B. C. Galduroz, J. C. F. Belo, V. S. Chaves, V. E. Duarte-Almeida, J. M.
Current Neuropharmacology
There are several studies investigating the effects of risperidone in autism, but many of these studies are contradictory or inconclusive. This systematic review and meta-analysis investigated the effects of risperidone on five domains of Aberrant Behaviour Checklist (ABC) scale on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), as well as weight gain and waist circumference. The protocol for the present systematic review and meta-analysis was registered on International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO). For this study, we analysed articles (2,459), selecting them according to the PICOS strategy (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Study design). Although risperidone is effective for the treatment of lethargy and inadequate speech, concerns about the association between weight gain, waist circumference and risperidone require a need to evaluation of the risk-benefit ratio in its use. There was a significant association between weight gain, waist circumference and risperidone. In Conclusion, it was possible to suggest the efficacy of risperidone for the treatment of lethargy and inadequate speech. Finally, we emphasize that the risk-benefit in its use should be evaluated. Protocol number CRD42019122316.

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