Effectiveness of anti-cyberbullying educational programs: A socio-ecologically grounded systematic review and meta-analysis

Effectiveness of anti-cyberbullying educational programs: A socio-ecologically grounded systematic review and meta-analysis

Lan, M. Law, N. Pan, Q. Q.
Computers in Human Behavior
The effectiveness of anti-cyberbullying interventions reported in the literature has been mixed even when the pedagogical organization of the programs were taken into account. To gain deeper insight into the relationship between pedagogical design principles of anti-cyberbullying interventions and their program effectiveness, this study comprises a systematic review and analysis of the pedagogical characteristics and meta-analyses of anticyberbullying educational programs for adolescents published up to March 2020. Nineteen independent studies from over 2700 articles resulting from systematic searches of six database services met the study selection criteria. A detailed integrated socio-ecological framework was constructed to reveal, for each program component in the selected intervention studies, whether intrapersonal learning, interpersonal interactions, or community-oriented events were involved, and the stakeholders targeted. This pedagogical analysis identified five subgroups. Meta-analysis results of the 19 selected programs found small effect sizes overall for cyberaggression and cyber-victimization. Further explorations showed that the pedagogical design features statistically significantly moderated the effectiveness of the anti-cyberbullying intervention. The subgroup analysis showed that only programs involving interpersonal interactions and stakeholder agency demonstrated superior program effectiveness. Due to the small number of studies that provided data on long-term programs effectiveness, the meta-analysis findings were inconclusive.

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