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Showing 41–60 of 3100 results


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English title


Årstall: 2024

Førsteforfatter: Hildingsson, I. Bertero, C. Hultcrantz, M. Karrman Fredriksson, M. Peira, N. Silverstein, R. A. Persson, M. Sveen, J.

Norsk tittel: Support interventions to reduce psychological distress in families experiencing stillbirth in high income countries: A systematic review

Engelsk tittel: Support interventions to reduce psychological distress in families experiencing stillbirth in high income countries: A systematic review

Tidsskrift: Women & Birth: Journal of the Australian College of Midwives

Early Intervention

Children of parents with serious mental or physical illness

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Age not specified

"Empty" reviews (without results for children and adolescents)

Årstall: 2024

Førsteforfatter: Hanauer, C. Telaar, B. Rosner, R. Doering, B. K.

Norsk tittel: The efficacy of psychosocial interventions for grief symptoms in bereaved children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Engelsk tittel: The efficacy of psychosocial interventions for grief symptoms in bereaved children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: Journal of Affective Disorders

Early Intervention

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Depression and Depressed Mood

Anxiety and Anxiousness

Trauma/ Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Children of parents with serious mental or physical illness

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy

Psychoeducational Interventions

Group Interventions

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2024

Førsteforfatter: Saccaro, L. F. Giff, A. De Rossi, M. M. Piguet, C.

Norsk tittel: Interventions targeting emotion regulation: A systematic umbrella review

Engelsk tittel: Interventions targeting emotion regulation: A systematic umbrella review

Tidsskrift: Journal of Psychiatric Research

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Stress Management and Self-regulation

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy


School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Overviews of Reviews

Årstall: 2024

Førsteforfatter: Liu, X. Yang, Y. Ye, Z. Wang, F. Zeng, K. Sun, Y. Huang, Y. Dai, L.

Årstall: 2024

Førsteforfatter: Wang, P. Wang, Z. Qiu, S.

Norsk tittel: Universal, school-based transdiagnostic interventions to promote mental health and emotional wellbeing: a systematic review

Engelsk tittel: Universal, school-based transdiagnostic interventions to promote mental health and emotional wellbeing: a systematic review

Tidsskrift: Child & Adolescent Psychiatry & Mental Health [Electronic Resource]

Preventive- and Promotive Health Interventions

Externalizing Behaviors / Challenging Behaviors

Depression and Depressed Mood

Anxiety and Anxiousness



School/Preschoolbased Interventions

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2024

Førsteforfatter: Magwood, O. Saad, A. Ranger, D. Volpini, K. Rukikamirera, F. Haridas, R. Sayfi, S. Alexander, J. Tan, Y. Pottie, K.

Norsk tittel: Mobile apps to reduce depressive symptoms and alcohol use in youth: A systematic review and meta-analysis: A systematic review

Engelsk tittel: Mobile apps to reduce depressive symptoms and alcohol use in youth: A systematic review and meta-analysis: A systematic review

Tidsskrift: Campbell Systematic Reviews

Early Intervention

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Depression and Depressed Mood

Anxiety and Anxiousness


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy


E-health interventions

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Campbell reviews

Årstall: 2024

Førsteforfatter: Isfandnia, F. El Masri, S. Radua, J. Rubia, K.

Årstall: 2024

Førsteforfatter: Gautschi, J. Latsch, D.

Norsk tittel: The effectiveness of interventions to prevent and reduce child maltreatment in high-income countries: An umbrella review

Engelsk tittel: The effectiveness of interventions to prevent and reduce child maltreatment in high-income countries: An umbrella review

Tidsskrift: Child Abuse & Neglect

Preventive- and Promotive Health Interventions

Early Intervention

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions


Physical Abuse

Sexual Abuse

Psychological Abuse

Family Therapy

Parent Guidance / Therapy

Home-based Interventions


Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Overviews of Reviews

Årstall: 2024

Førsteforfatter: Xu, F. Gage, N. Zeng, S. Zhang, M. Iun, A. O'Riordan, M. Kim, E.

Norsk tittel: The Use of Digital Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder-A Meta-Analysis

Engelsk tittel: The Use of Digital Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder-A Meta-Analysis

Tidsskrift: Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Motor development


Social skills

E-health interventions

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2024

Førsteforfatter: Feng, L. L. Li, B. W. Yong, S. S. Tian, Z. J.

Norsk tittel: Effects of Exercise Intervention on Physical and Mental Health of Children and Adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Based on ICF-CY

Engelsk tittel: Effects of Exercise Intervention on Physical and Mental Health of Children and Adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Based on ICF-CY

Tidsskrift: Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Depression and Depressed Mood

Anxiety and Anxiousness


Motor development

Physical Activity

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2024

Førsteforfatter: Liang, S. C. Sun, C. K. Chang, C. H. Cheng, Y. S. Tzang, R. F. Chiu, H. J. Wang, M. Y. Cheng, Y. C. Hung, K. C.

Norsk tittel: Therapeutic efficacy of probiotics for symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents: meta-analysis

Engelsk tittel: Therapeutic efficacy of probiotics for symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents: meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: BJPsych Open

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions


Nutritional Supplements and Nutrition

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2024

Førsteforfatter: Wang, T. Li, W. Deng, J. Zhang, Q. Liu, Y.

Norsk tittel: The influence of physical exercise on negative emotions in adolescents: a meta-analysis

Engelsk tittel: The influence of physical exercise on negative emotions in adolescents: a meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: Frontiers in psychiatry Frontiers Research Foundation

Preventive- and Promotive Health Interventions

Depression and Depressed Mood

Anxiety and Anxiousness

Stress Management and Self-regulation

Physical Activity

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2024

Førsteforfatter: Lee, J. D. Kang, V. Y. Terol, A. K. Joo, S.

Norsk tittel: Examining the Efficacy of Culturally Responsive Interventions for Autistic Children and Their Families: A Meta-Analysis

Engelsk tittel: Examining the Efficacy of Culturally Responsive Interventions for Autistic Children and Their Families: A Meta-Analysis

Tidsskrift: Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Social skills

Psychoeducational Interventions


E-health interventions

Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2024

Førsteforfatter: Sibley, M. H. Flores, S. Murphy, M. Basu, H. Stein, M. A. Evans, S. W. Zhao, X. Manzano, M. van Dreel, S.

Norsk tittel: Research Review: Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for adolescents with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder - a systematic review of the literatur

Engelsk tittel: Research Review: Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for adolescents with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder - a systematic review of the literature

Tidsskrift: Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy


Physical Activity

Nutritional Supplements and Nutrition

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2024

Førsteforfatter: Lopez-Pinar, C. Lara-Merin, L. Macias, J.

Norsk tittel: Process of change and efficacy of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for anxiety and depression symptoms in adolescents: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Engelsk tittel: Process of change and efficacy of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for anxiety and depression symptoms in adolescents: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Tidsskrift: Journal of Affective Disorders

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Depression and Depressed Mood

Anxiety and Anxiousness

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2024

Førsteforfatter: Mohamed, Z. A. Xue, Y. Bai, M. S. Dong, H. Y. Jia, F. Y.

Norsk tittel: Efficacy of differential reinforcement of other behaviors therapy for tic disorder: a meta-analysis

Engelsk tittel: Efficacy of differential reinforcement of other behaviors therapy for tic disorder: a meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: Bmc Neurology

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Tics and Tourettes

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2024

Førsteforfatter: SBU

Norsk tittel: Främjande av psykiskt välbefinnande hos barn och ungdomar

Engelsk tittel: Främjande av psykiskt välbefinnande hos barn och ungdomar

Tidsskrift: SBU

Preventive- and Promotive Health Interventions

Social skills

Quality of Life



School/Preschoolbased Interventions

Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services

Årstall: 2024

Førsteforfatter: SBU

Norsk tittel: Psykosociala insatser för att förebygga och minska gängkriminalitet bland barn och unga vuxna

Engelsk tittel: Psykosociala insatser för att förebygga och minska gängkriminalitet bland barn och unga vuxna

Tidsskrift: SBU

Preventive- and Promotive Health Interventions

Early Intervention

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Antisocial Behaviors

Local Community Problems

Family Therapy


Home-based Interventions

School/Preschoolbased Interventions

Community-Based Interventions / Local Area

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services

Årstall: 2024

Førsteforfatter: Duncan, A. L. Keene, H. Shepley, C.

Årstall: 2024

Førsteforfatter: Kock, P. Badek, A. Meyer, M. Klaassen, A. L. Walter, M. Kindler, J.

Norsk tittel: Cannabinoids for treating psychiatric disorders in youth: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials

Engelsk tittel: Cannabinoids for treating psychiatric disorders in youth: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials

Tidsskrift: Child & Adolescent Psychiatry & Mental Health [Electronic Resource]

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Externalizing Behaviors / Challenging Behaviors

Anxiety and Anxiousness

Autism Spectrum Disorder



School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Age not specified