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Showing 1721–1740 of 2848 results


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English title


Årstall: 2018

Førsteforfatter: Ma, Z. R. Shi, L. J. Deng, M. H.

Norsk tittel: Effekt av kognitiv atferdsterapi hos barn og ungdom med insomnia: Systematisk oversikt og metaanalyse

Engelsk tittel: Efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy in children and adolescents with insomnia: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Sleep Disorders

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2018

Førsteforfatter: Carsley, D. Khoury, B. Heath, N. L.

Norsk tittel: Effekt av mindfulness-intervensjoner for mental helse i skolen: Metaanalyse

Engelsk tittel: Effectiveness of Mindfulness Interventions for Mental Health in Schools: a Comprehensive Meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: Mindfulness

Preventive- and Promotive Health Interventions



School/Preschoolbased Interventions

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2018

Førsteforfatter: Ke, F. Whalon, K. Yun, J.

Norsk tittel: Tiltak for å bedre sosiale ferdigheter for ungdom og voksne med autisme: Systematisk oversikt

Engelsk tittel: Social Skill Interventions for Youth and Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review

Tidsskrift: Review of Educational Research

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Social skills

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2018

Førsteforfatter: Zhou, X. Zhang, Y. Furukawa, T. A. Cuijpers, P. Pu, J. Weisz, J. R. Yang, L. Hetrick, S. E. Del Giovane, C. Cohen, D. James, A. C. Yuan, S. Whittington, C. Jiang, X. Teng, T. Cipriani, A. Xie, P.

Norsk tittel: Ulike typer psykoterapi for akutt angst hos barn og ungdom: Nettverksmetaanalyse

Engelsk tittel: Different Types and Acceptability of Psychotherapies for Acute Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents: A Network Meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: Jama Psychiatry

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Anxiety and Anxiousness

Parent Guidance / Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy

Group Interventions

E-health interventions

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Årstall: 2018

Førsteforfatter: ter Beek, E. Kuiper, C. H. Z. van der Rijken, R. E. A. Spruit, A. Stams, G. J. J. M. Hendriks, J.

Norsk tittel: Behandlingseffekt på psykososial fungering hos ungdom med skadelig seksuell atferd: Metaanalyse

Engelsk tittel: Treatment effect on psychosocial functioning of juveniles with harmful sexual behavior: A multilevel meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: Aggression and Violent Behavior

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Antisocial Behaviors

Sexual Risk Behaviors

Family Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy

Psychodynamic/Interpersonal Therapy

Network Interventions

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2018

Førsteforfatter: Barreiros, D. de Oliveira, D. S. B. de Queiroz, A. M. da Silva, R. A. B. de Paula-Silva, F. W. G. Kuchler, E. C.

Norsk tittel: Audiovisuelle distraksjonsmetoder for angst hos barn under tannbehandling: Systematisk oversikt og metaanalyse

Engelsk tittel: Audiovisual distraction methods for anxiety in children during dental treatment: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: Journal of the Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry

Early Intervention

Anxiety and Anxiousness

Relaxation Interventions

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Årstall: 2018

Førsteforfatter: McCabe, R. Garside, R. Backhouse, A. Xanthopoulou, P.

Norsk tittel: Effekt av korte psykologiske tiltak mot selvmord: Systematisk oversikt

Engelsk tittel: Effectiveness of brief psychological interventions for suicidal presentations: A systematic review

Tidsskrift: BMC Psychiatry

Early Intervention

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Depression and Depressed Mood


Brief Interventions

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2018

Førsteforfatter: Johnstone, K. M. Kemps, E. Chen, J.

Norsk tittel: Universelle skolebaserte forebyggingsprogrammer for angst og depresjon hos barn: Metaanalyse

Engelsk tittel: A Meta-Analysis of Universal School-Based Prevention Programs for Anxiety and Depression in Children

Tidsskrift: Clinical Child & Family Psychology Review

Preventive- and Promotive Health Interventions

Depression and Depressed Mood

Anxiety and Anxiousness

School/Preschoolbased Interventions

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Årstall: 2017

Førsteforfatter: Lau, H. M. Smit, J. H. Fleming, T. M. Riper, H.

Norsk tittel: "Serious games" for psykisk helse: Er de tilgjengelige, gjennomførbare og effektive? Systematisk oversikt og metaanalyse

Engelsk tittel: Serious games for mental health: Are they accessible, feasible, and effective? A systematic review and meta-analysis


Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Depression and Depressed Mood

Anxiety and Anxiousness

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder



E-health interventions

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2017

Førsteforfatter: Brown, J. Ceysens, G. Boulvain, M.

Norsk tittel: Trening for gravide med diabetes for å forbedre utfall for mor og barn

Engelsk tittel: Exercise for pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes for improving maternal and fetal outcomes

Tidsskrift: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Early Intervention


Somatic Disease


Interventions for Pregnant Women and Postpartum Women

Physical Activity

Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

Cochrane reviews

"Empty" reviews (without results for children and adolescents)

Årstall: 2017

Førsteforfatter: Chua, M. E. Fernandez, N. Ming, J. M. Silangcruz, J. M. A. Dos Santos, J. Lorenzo, A. J. Koyle, M. A. Lopes, R. I.

Norsk tittel: Neurostimulation Therapy for Pediatric Primary Enuresis: A Meta-analysis

Engelsk tittel: Neurostimulation Therapy for Pediatric Primary Enuresis: A Meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: Urology

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions


Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Age not specified

Årstall: 2017

Førsteforfatter: Parsons, L. Cordier, R. Munro, N. Joosten, A. Speyer, R.

Norsk tittel: En systematisk oversikt over pragmatiske språkintervensjoner for barn med autisme

Engelsk tittel: A systematic review of pragmatic language interventions for children with autism spectrum disorder


Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Autism Spectrum Disorder


Family Therapy


Music/Art and Expression Therapy

Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2017

Førsteforfatter: Crowe, K. McKay, D.

Norsk tittel: Effekt av atferdsterapi for angst og depresjon hos barn

Engelsk tittel: Efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy for childhood anxiety and depression


Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Depression and Depressed Mood

Anxiety and Anxiousness

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Trauma/ Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Overviews of Reviews

Årstall: 2017

Førsteforfatter: Zhang, H. Zhang, Y. Yang, L. Yuan, S. Zhou, X. Pu, J. Liu, L. Jiang, X. Xie, P.

Norsk tittel: Effekt og aksept av psykoterapi for engstelige barn: Metaanalyse av randomiserte kontrollerte forsøk

Engelsk tittel: Efficacy and Acceptability of Psychotherapy for Anxious Young Children: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials


Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Anxiety and Anxiousness

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Årstall: 2017

Førsteforfatter: Martin, S. Lösel, F.

Norsk tittel: Sexual offender treatment for reducing recidivism among convicted sex offenders

Engelsk tittel: Sexual offender treatment for reducing recidivism among convicted sex offenders

Tidsskrift: Campbell Systematic Reviews

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Antisocial Behaviors

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Age not specified

Campbell reviews

Årstall: 2017

Førsteforfatter: Richards, I. L. Subar, A. Touyz, S. Rhodes, P.

Norsk tittel: Familieterapi for ungdom med restriktive spiseforstyrrelser: Systematisk oversikt

Engelsk tittel: Augmentative Approaches in Family-Based Treatment for Adolescents with Restrictive Eating Disorders: A Systematic Review

Tidsskrift: European Eating Disorders Review.

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Eating Disorders

Family Therapy

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2017

Førsteforfatter: Dunn, M. E. Shelnut, J. Ryan, J. B. Katsiyannis, A.

Norsk tittel: A Systematic Review of Peer-Mediated Interventions on the Academic Achievement of Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders

Engelsk tittel: A Systematic Review of Peer-Mediated Interventions on the Academic Achievement of Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders

Tidsskrift: Education and Treatment of Children

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Behavioral Disorders

Depression and Depressed Mood

Anxiety and Anxiousness

School Performance

School/Preschoolbased Interventions

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2017

Førsteforfatter: van der Put, C. E. Assink, M. Gubbels, J. Boekhout van Solinge, N. F.

Norsk tittel: Identifisering av effektive komponenter i tiltak som reduserer barnemishandling: Metaanalyse

Engelsk tittel: Identifying Effective Components of Child Maltreatment Interventions: A Meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: Clinical Child & Family Psychology Review

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions


Physical Abuse

Sexual Abuse

Family Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy

Home-based Interventions

Network Interventions

Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Age not specified

Årstall: 2017

Førsteforfatter: Conejo-Ceron, S. Moreno-Peral, P. Rodriguez-Morejon, A. Motrico, E. Navas-Campana, D. Rigabert, A. Martin-Perez, C. Rodriguez-Bayon, A. Ballesta-Rodriguez, M. I. Luna, J. D. Garcia-Campayo, J. Roca, M. Bellon, J. A.

Norsk tittel: Effekt av psykologiske tiltak for å forebygge depresjon i primærhelsetjenesten: Systematisk oversikt og metaanalsye

Engelsk tittel: Effectiveness of Psychological and Educational Interventions to Prevent Depression in Primary Care: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis


Preventive- and Promotive Health Interventions

Depression and Depressed Mood

Psychoeducational Interventions

E-health interventions

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2017

Førsteforfatter: Pagsberg, A. K. Tarp, S. Glintborg, D. Stenstrom, A. D. Fink-Jensen, A. Correll, C. U. Christensen, R.