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Showing 2601–2620 of 2977 results


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Norwegian title

English title


Årstall: 2019

Førsteforfatter: Case, L. Yun, J.

Norsk tittel: The Effect of Different Intervention Approaches on Gross Motor Outcomes of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Meta-Analysis

Engelsk tittel: The Effect of Different Intervention Approaches on Gross Motor Outcomes of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Meta-Analysis

Tidsskrift: Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Motor development

Physical Activity

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Årstall: 2024

Førsteforfatter: Yeo, G. Reich, S. M. Liaw, N. A. Chia, E. Y. M.

Norsk tittel: The Effect of Digital Mental Health Literacy Interventions on Mental Health: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Engelsk tittel: The Effect of Digital Mental Health Literacy Interventions on Mental Health: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Tidsskrift: Journal of Medical Internet Research

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Depression and Depressed Mood

Anxiety and Anxiousness

Quality of Life

Psychodynamic/Interpersonal Therapy

Psychoeducational Interventions

E-health interventions


Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2016

Førsteforfatter: Carter, T. Morres, I. D. Meade, O. Callaghan, P.

Norsk tittel: Effekt av trening på depressive symptomer hos ungdom: En systematisk oversikt og metaanalyse

Engelsk tittel: The Effect of Exercise on Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Tidsskrift: Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Depression and Depressed Mood

Physical Activity

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2017

Førsteforfatter: Bruni, T. P. Drevon, D. Hixson, M. Wyse, R. Corcoran, S. Fursa, S.

Norsk tittel: Effekt av funksjonell atferdsvurdering på skolebaserte tiltak: Metaanalyse

Engelsk tittel: The effect of functional behavior assessment on school-based interventions: A meta-analysis of single-case research

Tidsskrift: Psychology in the Schools

Early Intervention

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Externalizing Behaviors / Challenging Behaviors

School/Preschoolbased Interventions

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2019

Førsteforfatter: Pfefferbaum, B. Nitiema, P. Newman, E.

Norsk tittel: The Effect of Interventions on Functional Impairment in Youth Exposed to Mass Trauma: a Meta-Analysis

Engelsk tittel: The Effect of Interventions on Functional Impairment in Youth Exposed to Mass Trauma: a Meta-Analysis


Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Trauma/ Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy

Psychodynamic/Interpersonal Therapy

Reading/Writing Interventions

School/Preschoolbased Interventions

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2021

Førsteforfatter: Bourke, M. Patten, R. K. Dash, S. Pascoe, M. Craike, M. Firth, J. Bailey, A. Jacka, F. Parker, A. G.

Norsk tittel: The Effect of Interventions That Target Multiple Modifiable Health Behaviors on Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Young People: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Engelsk tittel: The Effect of Interventions That Target Multiple Modifiable Health Behaviors on Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Young People: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Tidsskrift: Journal of Adolescent Health

Preventive- and Promotive Health Interventions

Depression and Depressed Mood

Anxiety and Anxiousness

Eating Disorders

Sleep Disorders

Illegal Drugs

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy

E-health interventions

Physical Activity

Nutritional Supplements and Nutrition

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2018

Førsteforfatter: Song, Y. Liu, Y. Pan, Y. Yuan, X. Chang, P. Tian, Y. Cui, W. Li, D.

Årstall: 2023

Førsteforfatter: Zhang, Z. P. Chang, X. L. Zhang, W. J. Yang, S. Y. Zhao, G. S.

Årstall: 2020

Førsteforfatter: Rose, S. Zell, E. Strickhouser, J. E.

Norsk tittel: The Effect of Meditation on Health: a Metasynthesis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Engelsk tittel: The Effect of Meditation on Health: a Metasynthesis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Tidsskrift: Mindfulness

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions


School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Age not specified

Årstall: 2018

Førsteforfatter: Liang, E. F. Lim, S. Z. Tam, W. W. Ho, C. S. Zhang, M. W. McIntyre, R. S. Ho, R. C.

Årstall: 2020

Førsteforfatter: Vekety, B. Logemann, H. N. A. Takacs, Z. K.

Årstall: 2019

Førsteforfatter: Burgdorf, V. Szabo, M. Abbott, M. J.

Norsk tittel: Effekt av mindfulness gitt til foreldre på foreldrestress og psykologiske utfall hos barna deres: Systematisk oversikt og metaanalyse

Engelsk tittel: The Effect of Mindfulness Interventions for Parents on Parenting Stress and Youth Psychological Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Tidsskrift: Frontiers in Psychology

Preventive- and Promotive Health Interventions

Parental Stress



Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2019

Førsteforfatter: Ruggeri, A. Dancel, A. Johnson, R. Sargent, B.

Norsk tittel: The effect of motor and physical activity intervention on motor outcomes of children with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review

Engelsk tittel: The effect of motor and physical activity intervention on motor outcomes of children with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review

Tidsskrift: Autism

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Motor development


Physical Activity

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2023

Førsteforfatter: van Es, C. M. El Khoury, B. van Dis, E. A. M. te Brake, H. van Ee, E. Boelen, P. A. Mooren, T.

Norsk tittel: The effect of multiple family therapy on mental health problems and family functioning: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Engelsk tittel: The effect of multiple family therapy on mental health problems and family functioning: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: Family Process

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Antisocial Behaviors

Depression and Depressed Mood


Family Therapy

Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2024

Førsteforfatter: Shi, Z. Wang, S. Chen, M. Hu, A. Long, Q. Lee, Y.

Norsk tittel: The effect of music therapy on language communication and social skills in children with autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Engelsk tittel: The effect of music therapy on language communication and social skills in children with autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: Frontiers in Psychology

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Autism Spectrum Disorder


Social skills

Music/Art and Expression Therapy

Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Årstall: 2016

Førsteforfatter: Gajos, J. M. Beaver, K. M.

Norsk tittel: Effekt av omega-3 fettsyrer på aggresjon: Metaanalyse

Engelsk tittel: The effect of omega-3 fatty acids on aggression: A meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Antisocial Behaviors

Nutritional Supplements and Nutrition

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Age not specified

Årstall: 2016

Førsteforfatter: Cooper, R. E. Tye, C. Kuntsi, J. Vassos, E. Asherson, P.

Norsk tittel: Effekt av omega-3 på emosjonell dysregulering, opposisjonell atferd og atferdsproblemer ved ADHD: En systematisk oversikt og metaanalyse

Engelsk tittel: The effect of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on emotional dysregulation, oppositional behaviour and conduct problems in ADHD: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: Journal of Affective Disorders

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Antisocial Behaviors


Nutritional Supplements and Nutrition

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2014

Førsteforfatter: Thulin, U. Svirsky, L. Serlachius, E. Andersson, G. Ost, L. G.

Norsk tittel: Effekt av å involvere foreldre i behandling av barn med angst: Metaanalyse

Engelsk tittel: The effect of parent involvement in the treatment of anxiety disorders in children: a meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Anxiety and Anxiousness

Parent Guidance / Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Age not specified

Årstall: 2021

Førsteforfatter: Kuo, S. F. Chen, I. H. Chen, S. R. Chen, K. H. Fernandez, R. S.

Årstall: 2017

Førsteforfatter: Letourneau, N. L. Dennis, C. L. Cosic, N. Linder, J.

Norsk tittel: Effekt av tiltak mot fødselsdepresjon på foreldre og barns utvikling: Systematisk oversikt

Engelsk tittel: The effect of perinatal depression treatment for mothers on parenting and child development: A systematic review


Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions



Postpartum Depression




Parent Guidance / Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy

Psychodynamic/Interpersonal Therapy

Interventions for Pregnant Women and Postpartum Women


Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)