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Showing 2401–2420 of 2848 results


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English title


Årstall: 2013

Førsteforfatter: Kong, N. Y. Carta, J. J.

Norsk tittel: Responsive Interaction Interventions for Children With or at Risk for Developmental Delays: A Research Synthesis

Engelsk tittel: Responsive Interaction Interventions for Children With or at Risk for Developmental Delays: A Research Synthesis

Tidsskrift: Topics in Early Childhood Special Education

Early Intervention

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Social skills

Mental/Physical Impairment


Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Age not specified

Årstall: 2013

Førsteforfatter: Melby-Lervag, M. Hulme, C.

Norsk tittel: Hvilken effekt har "working memory"-trening? Metaanalyse

Engelsk tittel: Is Working Memory Training Effective? A Meta-Analytic Review

Tidsskrift: Developmental Psychology

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions




Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Age not specified

Årstall: 2013

Førsteforfatter: Petrosino, A. Buehler, J. Turpin, C. P.

Årstall: 2013

Førsteforfatter: Fagan, A. Catalano, R. F.

Norsk tittel: Hva fungerer for å forebygge vold blant ungdom? Litteraturgjennomgang

Engelsk tittel: What works in youth violence prevention: A review of the literature

Tidsskrift: Research on Social Work Practice

Preventive- and Promotive Health Interventions

Early Intervention

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Antisocial Behaviors

Parent Guidance / Therapy

Psychoeducational Interventions


School/Preschoolbased Interventions

Network Interventions

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Age not specified

Årstall: 2013

Førsteforfatter: Treuer, T. Gau, S. S. Mendez, L. Montgomery, W. Monk, J. A. Altin, M. Wu, S. Lin, C. C. Duenas, H. J.

Årstall: 2013

Førsteforfatter: Nissensohn, M. Sanchez-Villegas, A. Fuentes Lugo, D. Henriquez Sanchez, P. Doreste Alonso, J. Skinner, A. L. Medina, M. W. Lowe, N. M. Hall Moran, V. Serra-Majem, L.

Norsk tittel: Effekt av sinkinntak på psykisk og fysisk utvikling hos små barn: Metaanalyse

Engelsk tittel: Effect of zinc intake on mental and motor development in infants: a meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research

Preventive- and Promotive Health Interventions


Motor development

Nutritional Supplements and Nutrition

Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

Årstall: 2013

Førsteforfatter: Dennis, C. L. Dowswell, T.

Norsk tittel: Psykososiale tiltak og terapi for å forebygge fødselsdepresjon

Engelsk tittel: Psychosocial and psychological interventions for preventing postpartum depression

Tidsskrift: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Preventive- and Promotive Health Interventions

Early Intervention

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Depression and Depressed Mood

Postpartum Depression



Psychodynamic/Interpersonal Therapy

Group Interventions

Home-based Interventions

Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

Cochrane reviews

Årstall: 2013

Førsteforfatter: Couturier, J. Kimber, M. Szatmari, P.

Norsk tittel: Effekt av familiebasert behandling av unge med spiseforstyrrelser: systematisk oversikt og metaanalyse

Engelsk tittel: Efficacy of family-based treatment for adolescents with eating disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: International Journal of Eating Disorders

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Eating Disorders

Family Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2013

Førsteforfatter: Virues-Ortega, J. Julio, F. M. Pastor-Barriuso, R.

Norsk tittel: TEACCH-programmet for barn og voksne med autismespekterlidelse: metaanalyse av intervensjonsstudier

Engelsk tittel: The TEACCH program for children and adults with autism: a meta-analysis of intervention studies

Tidsskrift: Clinical Psychology Review

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Autism Spectrum Disorder


Motor development



Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Age not specified

Årstall: 2013

Førsteforfatter: Westbrook, J. D. Fong, C. J. Nye, C. Williams, A. Wendt, O. Cortopassi, T.

Norsk tittel: Tiltak for å lette overgangen mellom studier og arbeidsliv for personer med autismespekterlidelser: Effekt målt på grad av sysselsetting

Engelsk tittel: Pre-Graduation Transition Services for Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Effects on Employment Outcomes

Tidsskrift: Campbell Systematic Reviews

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Autism Spectrum Disorder


Social skills

School/Preschoolbased Interventions

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Campbell reviews

Årstall: 2013

Førsteforfatter: Nye, C, Vanryckeghem, M. Schwartz, J. B. Herder, C. Turner, H. M. Howard, C.

Norsk tittel: Atferdstiltak mot stamming hos barn og unge: Systematisk oversikt og metaanalyse

Engelsk tittel: Behavioral Stuttering Interventions for Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Tidsskrift: Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research

Early Intervention


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy

Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2013

Førsteforfatter: Miller, F. G. Lee, D. L.

Norsk tittel: Do functional behavioral assessments improve intervention effectiveness for students diagnosed with ADHD? A single-subject meta-analysis

Engelsk tittel: Do functional behavioral assessments improve intervention effectiveness for students diagnosed with ADHD? A single-subject meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: Journal of Behavioral Education

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2013

Førsteforfatter: Dennis, C. L. Dowswell, T.

Norsk tittel: Tiltak (andre enn farmakologiske, psykososiale og psykologiske) for behandling av fødselsdepresjon

Engelsk tittel: Interventions (other than pharmacological, psychosocial or psychological) for treating antenatal depression

Tidsskrift: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Depression and Depressed Mood

Postpartum Depression



Nutritional Supplements and Nutrition


Music/Art and Expression Therapy

Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

Cochrane reviews

Årstall: 2013

Førsteforfatter: Kirk, S. Beatty, S. Callery, P. Gellatly, J. Milnes, L. Pryjmachuk, S.

Norsk tittel: Effekt av selvhjelp for barn og unge som har langvarige helseproblemer: Systematisk oversikt

Engelsk tittel: The effectiveness of self-care support interventions for children and young people with long-term conditions: a systematic review

Tidsskrift: Child Care Health and Development

Early Intervention

Quality of Life


Somatic Disease


School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Age not specified

Årstall: 2013

Førsteforfatter: Olatunji, B. O. Davis, M. L. Powers, M. B. Smits, J. A.

Norsk tittel: Kognitiv atferdsterapi mot tvangslidelser: en metaanalyse av behandlingsutfall og moderatorer

Engelsk tittel: Cognitive-behavioral therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder: a meta-analysis of treatment outcome and moderators

Tidsskrift: Journal of Psychiatric Research

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Anxiety and Anxiousness

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Age not specified

Årstall: 2013

Førsteforfatter: Tait, R. J. Spijkerman, R. Riper, H.

Norsk tittel: Web og pc-baserte tiltak for å hindre bruk av cannabis: Metaanalyse

Engelsk tittel: Internet and computer based interventions for cannabis use: A meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: Drug and Alcohol Dependence

Preventive- and Promotive Health Interventions

Early Intervention

Illegal Drugs

E-health interventions

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2013

Førsteforfatter: Bougma, K. Aboud, F. E. Harding, K. B. Marquis, G. S.

Norsk tittel: Jod og mental utvikling hos barn i alderen 0-5 år: Systematisk oversikt og metaanalyse

Engelsk tittel: Iodine and mental development of children 5 years old and under: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: Nutrients

Preventive- and Promotive Health Interventions




Interventions for Pregnant Women and Postpartum Women

Nutritional Supplements and Nutrition

Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

Årstall: 2013

Førsteforfatter: Selph, S. S. Bougatsos, C. Blazina, I. Nelson, H. D.

Norsk tittel: Behavioral Interventions and Counseling to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect: A Systematic Review to Update the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation

Engelsk tittel: Behavioral Interventions and Counseling to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect: A Systematic Review to Update the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation

Tidsskrift: Annals of Internal Medicine

Preventive- and Promotive Health Interventions

Early Intervention


Physical Abuse


Home-based Interventions

Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

Årstall: 2013

Førsteforfatter: Lane, D. A. Millane, T. A. Lip, G. Y.

Norsk tittel: Terapi for depresjon hos ungdom og voksne med medfødt hjertesykdom

Engelsk tittel: Psychological interventions for depression in adolescent and adult congenital heart disease

Tidsskrift: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Depression and Depressed Mood

Somatic Disease

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Cochrane reviews

"Empty" reviews (without results for children and adolescents)