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Showing 2241–2260 of 2848 results


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English title


Årstall: 2019

Førsteforfatter: Skeen, S. Laurenzi, C. A. Gordon, S. L. du Toit, S. Tomlinson, M. Dua, T. Fleischmann, A. Kohl, K. Ross, D. Servili, C. Brand, A. S. Dowdall, N. Lund, C. van der Westhuizen, C. Carvajal-Aguirre, L. Eriksson de Carvalho, C. Melendez-Torres, G. J.

Norsk tittel: Adolescent Mental Health Program Components and Behavior Risk Reduction: A Meta-analysis

Engelsk tittel: Adolescent Mental Health Program Components and Behavior Risk Reduction: A Meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: Pediatrics

Early Intervention

Antisocial Behaviors

Depression and Depressed Mood

Anxiety and Anxiousness



School/Preschoolbased Interventions

Community-Based Interventions / Local Area

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2022

Førsteforfatter: Skene, K. O'Farrelly, C. M. Byrne, E. M. Kirby, N. Stevens, E. C. Ramchandani, P. G.

Norsk tittel: Can guidance during play enhance children's learning and development in educational contexts? A systematic review and meta-analysis

Engelsk tittel: Can guidance during play enhance children's learning and development in educational contexts? A systematic review and meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: Child Development

Preventive- and Promotive Health Interventions


Motor development


Social skills

School Performance

Play Therapy

Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Årstall: 2024

Førsteforfatter: Skinner, G. C. M. Lane, C. Hogg, E. Karwatowska, L. A. French, L. Ranieri, V. F. Jesnick, L. G. D. Roberts, C. Scott, S. Senior, R. Kennedy, E.

Norsk tittel: Personalised interventions for subgroups of children with conduct problems: a systematic review

Engelsk tittel: Personalised interventions for subgroups of children with conduct problems: a systematic review

Tidsskrift: Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology

Early Intervention

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Antisocial Behaviors

Behavioral Disorders

Side Effects

Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Årstall: 2012

Førsteforfatter: Skorka, A. Gieruszczak-Bialek, D. Piescik, M. Szajewska, H.

Norsk tittel: Effekt av prenatal og / eller postnatal (mors og / eller barns) folsyretilskudd på barns mentale utvikling

Engelsk tittel: Effects of prenatal and/or postnatal (maternal and/or child) folic acid supplementation on the mental performance of children


Preventive- and Promotive Health Interventions



Interventions for Pregnant Women and Postpartum Women

Nutritional Supplements and Nutrition

Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

Årstall: 2015

Førsteforfatter: Skotarczak, L. Lee, G. K.

Norsk tittel: Effekt av foreldrebaserte tiltak for atferdsforstyrrelser hos barn med utviklingshemming: Metaanalyse

Engelsk tittel: Effects of parent management training programs on disruptive behavior for children with a developmental disability: A meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: Research in Developmental Disabilities

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Externalizing Behaviors / Challenging Behaviors

Mental/Physical Impairment

Parent Guidance / Therapy

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Age not specified

Årstall: 2023

Førsteforfatter: Sleed, M. Li, E. T. Vainieri, I. Midgley, N.

Norsk tittel: The evidence-base for psychodynamic interventions with children under 5 years of age and their caregivers: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Engelsk tittel: The evidence-base for psychodynamic interventions with children under 5 years of age and their caregivers: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: Journal of Infant, Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy

Early Intervention

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions




Parental Stress

Postpartum Depression

Parent Guidance / Therapy

Home-based Interventions

Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

Årstall: 2015

Førsteforfatter: Slobodin, O, de, Jong J, T.

Norsk tittel: Family interventions in traumatized immigrants and refugees: A systematic review

Engelsk tittel: Family interventions in traumatized immigrants and refugees: A systematic review

Tidsskrift: Transcultural Psychiatry

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Trauma/ Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Etnic Minorities

Family Therapy

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Age not specified

Årstall: 2015

Førsteforfatter: Smedler, A. C. Hjern, A. Wiklund, S. Anttila, S. Pettersson, A.

Norsk tittel: Programmer for å forebygge eksternaliserende problemer hos barn

Engelsk tittel: Programs for Prevention of Externalizing Problems in Children: Limited Evidence for Effect Beyond 6 Months Post Intervention

Tidsskrift: Child & Youth Care Forum

Preventive- and Promotive Health Interventions

Early Intervention

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Externalizing Behaviors / Challenging Behaviors

Parent Guidance / Therapy

School/Preschoolbased Interventions

Preschool Aged Children (3-5 years)

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2016

Førsteforfatter: Smedslund, G. Dalsbø, T. K. Reinar, L. M.

Norsk tittel: Effekter av sekundærforebyggende tiltak mot villet egenskade

Engelsk tittel: Effekter av sekundærforebyggende tiltak mot villet egenskade

Tidsskrift: Folkehelseinstituttet

Early Intervention

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy

School/Preschoolbased Interventions

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Age not specified

Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Årstall: 2018

Førsteforfatter: Smedslund, G. Siqveland, J. Kirkehei, I. Steiro, A. K.

Norsk tittel: Langtidsbehandling med antipsykotika hos personer med schizofrenispektrumlidelser: en systematisk oversikt

Engelsk tittel: Langtidsbehandling med antipsykotika hos personer med schizofrenispektrumlidelser: en systematisk oversikt

Tidsskrift: Folkehelseinstituttet

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions



School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Age not specified

"Empty" reviews (without results for children and adolescents)

Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Årstall: 2017

Førsteforfatter: Smedslund, G. Wollscheid, S. Fang, L. Nilsen, W. Steiro, A. Larun, L.

Årstall: 2015

Førsteforfatter: Smeets, K. C. Leeijen, A. A. van der Molen, M. J. Scheepers, F. E. Buitelaar, J. K. Rommelse, N. N.

Norsk tittel: Behandlingsmoderatorer for kognitiv atferdsterapi for å redusere aggressiv atferd: Metaanalyse

Engelsk tittel: Treatment moderators of cognitive behavior therapy to reduce aggressive behavior: a meta-analysis

Tidsskrift: European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Antisocial Behaviors

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2008

Førsteforfatter: Smit, E. Verdurmen, J. Monshouwer, K. Smit, F.

Årstall: 2000

Førsteforfatter: Smith, B. H. Waschbusch, D. A. Willoughby, M. T. Evans, S.

Norsk tittel: Effekt, sikkerhet og praktisk gjennomføring av behandling for ungdom med ADHD

Engelsk tittel: The efficacy, safety, and practicality of treatments for adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Tidsskrift: Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions


Family Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy



Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2022

Førsteforfatter: Smith, C. G. Jones, E. J. H. Wass, S. V. Jacobs, D. Fitzpatrick, C. Charman, T.

Norsk tittel: The effect of perinatal interventions on parent anxiety, infant socio-emotional development and parent-infant relationship outcomes: A systematic review

Engelsk tittel: The effect of perinatal interventions on parent anxiety, infant socio-emotional development and parent-infant relationship outcomes: A systematic review

Tidsskrift: JCPP Advances

Early Intervention

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions



Parental Stress

Postpartum Depression


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy

Interventions for Pregnant Women and Postpartum Women

E-health interventions

Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

Årstall: 2004

Førsteforfatter: Smith, J. D. Schneider, B. H. Smith, P. K. Ananiadou, K.

Norsk tittel: Effekt av skolebaserte tiltak mot mobbing: Syntese av evalueringsforskning

Engelsk tittel: The effectiveness of whole-school antibullying programs: A synthesis of evaluation research

Tidsskrift: School Psychology Review

Preventive- and Promotive Health Interventions


School/Preschoolbased Interventions

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Årstall: 2018

Førsteforfatter: Smith, M. M. Pereira, S. P. Chan, L. Rose, C. Shafran, R.

Norsk tittel: Trivselstiltak for søsken til barn og unge med kronisk fysisk eller psykisk helsetilstand: Systematisk oversikt og metaanalyse

Engelsk tittel: Impact of Well-being Interventions for Siblings of Children and Young People with a Chronic Physical or Mental Health Condition: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Tidsskrift: Clinical Child & Family Psychology Review

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Children of parents with serious mental or physical illness

Interventions for Relatives/Siblings

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Age not specified

Årstall: 2021

Førsteforfatter: Smith, S. Barajas, K. Ellis, B. Moore, C. McCauley, S. Reichow, B.

Norsk tittel: A meta-analytic review of randomized controlled trials of the Good Behavior Game

Engelsk tittel: A meta-analytic review of randomized controlled trials of the Good Behavior Game

Tidsskrift: Behavior Modification

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions

Antisocial Behaviors

Social skills

School Performance

School/Preschoolbased Interventions

School Aged Children (6-12 years)