The Effectiveness of School-Based Mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioural Programmes to Improve Emotional Regulation in 7-12-Year-Olds: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

The Effectiveness of School-Based Mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioural Programmes to Improve Emotional Regulation in 7-12-Year-Olds: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Pickerell, L. E. Pennington, K. Cartledge, C. Miller, K. A. Curtis, F.
Objectives Though findings have been mixed, some primary or elementary school-based mindfulness and cognitive behavioural interventions have been shown to improve aspects of emotion regulation. Age is suggested as a potential mediator but previous reviews have not addressed this comprehensively, making evaluation of impact unclear. The current review brought together the evidence surrounding the impact of mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) or cognitive behavioural interventions (CBIs) on emotion regulation in children aged between 7 and 12 years. Method Databases (British Education Index, Child Development and Adolescent Studies, CINAHL, Education Source, ERIC, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, PubMed, SAGE, Web of Science) were searched for published and unpublished randomised controlled trials evaluating the effect of primary school-based MBIs (n = 18) or CBIs (n = 12) on measures of emotional awareness, modulation and expression. Results Analysis of the MBIs in this review indicated a significant improvement in emotional awareness, an increase in positive emotions and a reduction in depression. Sub-analyses found an effect of age, duration and universal delivery for MBIs. Analysis of the CBIs indicated significant improvement in child negative expressive behaviours as reported by parents. Risk of bias was low across domains of incomplete outcome data and selective outcome reporting but was unclear in other domains. Conclusions Evidence from the MBI studies suggested that universal interventions with a shorter duration had more significant effects, particularly for 10-12-year-old participants. Future research should investigate programme design features and the suitability of content and skill-focus for different age groups, employing qualitative techniques for analysis. This could lead to reconsideration of typical intervention formats for primary school children.Pre-registrationPROSPERO #CRD42019139283.

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