The effectiveness of home visiting programs for the prevention of child maltreatment recurrence at home: a systematic review and meta-analysis

The effectiveness of home visiting programs for the prevention of child maltreatment recurrence at home: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Han, K. Oh, S.
Child Health Nursing Research
PURPOSE: This systematic review aimed to investigate the effectiveness of home visiting programs targeting parents who have maltreated their children on the prevention of child maltreatment recurrence. METHODS: Major databases were searched (Ovid-Medline, PubMed, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, and RISS). The frequency of maltreatment was measured for the meta-analysis, which was conducted using Review Manager 5.2 software. The effect size was measured using odds ratios (ORs). RESULTS: Six studies were included in the analysis, none of which were conducted in South Korea. The meta-analysis demonstrated that the risk of child maltreatment recurrence significantly decreased after a home visiting program was implemented (OR=0.45, 95% confidence interval [CI]=0.29-0.68). Nurses were the most common intervention providers. CONCLUSION: Home visiting programs should be provided for families in which maltreatment has already occurred to prevent the recurrence of maltreatment and foster a home environment in which children can live safely. Since the rate of child maltreatment in Korea is increasing, further research is needed to develop and implement home visiting programs in which nurses play a major role in preventing the recurrence of child maltreatment.

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