Meta-analysis of the effects of physical activity on executive function in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Meta-analysis of the effects of physical activity on executive function in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Song, Y. Fan, B. Wang, C. Yu, H.
PLoS ONE [Electronic Resource]
BACKGROUND: Executive function is a core deficit in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This study systematically reviewed the evidence for the effects of physical activity (PA) interventions on executive function in children and adolescents with ADHD and explored the moderating effects of key variables of PA on executive function. METHODS: Relevant literature in four electronic databases, Pubmed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and Embase, were systematically searched. Revman 5.4 was used for data analysis, and combined effect sizes, heterogeneity tests, subgroup analyses, and sensitivity analyses were calculated. Egger's test in Stata 15.0 was used for publication bias testing. RESULTS: A total of 24 articles with 914 participants were included. Meta-analysis showed that PA interventions improved inhibitory control (SMD = -0.50, 95%CI [-0.71, -0.29], P < 0.00001), working memory (SMD = -0.50, 95%CI [-0.83, -0.16], P = 0.004) and cognitive flexibility in children and adolescents with ADHD (SMD = -0.45, 95%CI [-0.81, -0.09], P = 0.01). Subgroup analysis revealed a moderating effect of intervention intensity, motor skill type, sessions of PA, and weekly exercise volume on executive function. CONCLUSION: PA interventions had positive effects on improvements in core executive functions in children and adolescents with ADHD and were influenced by intervention intensity, type of motor skill, sessions of PA, and amount of exercise. This has practical implications for the formulation of PA interventions programs.

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Type of intervention

Treatment and Child Welfare Interventions


Mental Health Problems and Disorders


Development and Life Coping Skills



Public Health Interventions

Physical Activity

Age group

School Aged Children (6-12 years)

Adolescents (13-18 years)

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