Examining the effects of teen dating violence prevention programs: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Examining the effects of teen dating violence prevention programs: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Lee, C. Wong, J. S.
Journal of Experimental Criminology
Objectives This meta-analysis examines the efficacy of programs at increasing knowledge about dating violence, changing attitudes, increasing bystander behaviors, and reducing incidents of dating violence perpetration and victimization. Methods A systematic search yielded 38 studies contributing 73 independent effect sizes. Studies were pooled by outcome measure and ten moderators were used to examine the impacts of program and study characteristics. Results Prevention programs had a significant, positive impact on measures of knowledge (ES = 0.566,z = 3.59), attitudes (ES = 0.191,z = 3.88), and violence perpetration (ES = .157,z = 3.11), but did not significantly impact experiences of victimization or bystander behaviors. Conclusions Results indicate that dating violence prevention programs are effective at improving knowledge, attitudes, and some behaviors, providing support for the continued implementation of these programs with adolescent populations. Future research should investigate the impact of specific program content and long-term behavioral outcomes.

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