Effekt av fysisk aktivitet på kognisjon og atferd hos unge med ADHD: Systematisk oversikt

Acute and chronic effect of physical activity on cognition and behaviour in young people with ADHD: A systematic review of intervention studies

Suarez-Manzano, S. Ruiz-Ariza, A. De La Torre-Cruz, M. Martinez-Lopez, E. J.
Research in Developmental Disabilities
Background: Young people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often have learning and behavioral control difficulties. Aim: The aim of this review is analyse the acute and chronic effect of physical activity (PA) on the cognition and behaviour of children and adolescents with ADHD. Methods: Studies were identified in five databases (PubMed, SPORTDiscus, ProQuest, Web of Science, and SCOPUS), from January 2000 through to January 2017. A total of 16 interventional studies met the inclusion criteria. Results/conclusions: PA practice of 20-30 min (intensity 40-75%) produces a positive acute effect on processing speed, working memory, planning and problem solving in young people with ADHD. However, these effects on behaviour are contradictory and vary depending on age. Chronic PA practice (>= 30 min per day, >= 40% intensity, three days per week, >= five weeks) further improves attention, inhibition, emotional control, behaviour and motor control. The results must be treated with caution, because only 25% of the studies used confounders. Implication More research is needed to justify the causes of these effects. It is necessary to establish programs with regard to the duration, intensity, kind of exercise, and time of PA to improve cognition and behaviour in young people with ADHD taking into account potential confounders.

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Behandling og hjelpetiltak


Psykiske vansker og lidelser


Utagerende/utfordrende atferd (uro, bråk)


Utvikling og livsmestring

Kognisjon (hukommelse, oppmerksomhet, eksekutive funksjoner)



Fysisk aktivitet


Barn i skolealder (6-12 år)

Ungdom (13-18 år)

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